sara flynn gosselin

For many years, I struggled deeply with my mental & physical health - from anxiety, depression, & addiction to chronic stress & physical burnout. When I was feeling the most lost in life, I found yoga & reiki. After years of incorporating these two practices into my daily life, I was inspired to study these healing modalities.

Yoga was the practice that helped me calm my busy mind, get grounded in my body, & reconnect with my soul. Having played competitive sports my entire life, I craved a movement practice and sense of community that yoga was able to provide. It has fostered physical strength & flexibility, calmed the chatter in my mind, & reconnected me with a sense of purpose. 

My first experience with reiki completely changed my life. I was able to fully relax for the first time in my life and realign with my true nature. Reiki allowed me to overcome the self-destructive habits blocking me from living in a state of ease & balance & replace them with healthier coping mechanisms.

The restoration of life force energy in my system restored balance and alignment & cleared energetic blocks. Through these holistic practices, I could deeply reconnect and begin healing my body, mind, and soul. 

I am forever grateful to my teachers Erica Bornstein, Catie Macken, & Jess Ray at the Essence of Yoga School, Usui Reiki Master Teacher Sarah Al-Aghawani, William Lee Rand at the International Center for Reiki Training, and the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute.

As a pharmacist for over 10 years with a deep interest in holistic health, I am passionate about helping others heal on all levels - physically, mentally, emotionally, & spiritually.

Holy Fire Reiki Master - 200-hr Yoga Instructor - Integrative Health Practitioner

If you’re curious about what it is like to work with me, click the buttons below to learn about my Reiki & Yoga Services!