What is reiki?

Reiki is an energy healing modality originating in Japan. It promotes relaxation and stress reduction and facilitates healing.

Rei translates to “universal,” and Ki means “life force energy.”  Reiki energy is channeled through the healer to the receiver, increasing vital energy in their physical body and energy system. 

As this vital energy increases, the body can restore its natural capacity to heal.  Energy healing helps remove blockages and restore physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance. 

Reiki can be beneficial for a variety of issues, such as:

  • Stress, overwhelm, & burnout

  • Anxiety, depression, & mood swings

  • Insomnia

  • Addiction

  • Eating disorders

  • Physical pain & inflammation

  • Digestive issues

  • Post-surgical healing

What to expect during a session:

Whether in person or distance, each session begins with a discussion of your health concerns and/or intentions for the healing session. You will then be asked to lie down and get comfortable. I encourage everyone to wear comfortable clothing so you can be as relaxed as possible. Throughout the session, I will guide energy to the places in your body that need the support you seek. You can expect a brief conversation and deep relaxation. After our session, you will feel physically & energetically lighter, peaceful, and more balanced on all levels. I look forward to working with you!

Additional benefits of reiki may include:

  • Rest and relaxation (activates the parasympathetic nervous system)

  • Calms the mind

  • Increases sense of balance and wellbeing

  • Lowers cortisol (the body’s stress hormone)

  • Balances hormones

  • Improved concentration

  • Better sleep

  • Lower blood pressure


I began seeing her several months ago, mainly for relief with severe sleep issues I’ve been struggling with for many years. After each of our sessions my sleep improves drastically and I feel like a brand new person. She also generously offers me any insight she receives during our sessions to help guide me on my healing journey. Sara is incredibly gifted and her passion for what she does is palpable and inspiring. If you are seeking deep, lasting healing and guidance on your journey towards better health, I encourage you to reach out to her. Your life will be changed in the best ways possible.

-Kacey B., LAc

Currently offering distance healing & in-person sessions in Berkshire County upon request.

Please call, email, or book your session below!